You can use any other communication app, but I suggest you use Slack!


Join our vibrant community on Discord for real-time collaboration. 👉🏼 Link Explore project-specific channels for updates and discussions.

if there is any rule or structure about these channels it would be written here.


Join our vibrant community on Slack for real-time collaboration. 👉🏼 Link Explore project-specific channels for updates and discussions.

if there is any rule or structure about these channels it would be written here.


Stay connected on WhatsApp! Based on your project, you'll be added to relevant groups for seamless communication. 👉🏼 Link


  1. Join Discord via the link above.
  2. Dive into project-specific channels for discussions.
  3. Look out for WhatsApp group invites tailored to your project.

Let's keep the conversation flowing! 🚀

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